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发布时间:2018-11-09 来源:

  西安地铁3号线被誉为西安最美地铁、最佳观光线路。中交二公局承建的TJSG-15标包括广泰门站-桃花潭站— 浐灞中心站高架区间及桃花潭高架车站,其中浐河大桥主桥为预应力混凝土V型支撑连续刚构桥梁,是3号线的重点工程。
  Xi'an Metro Line No.3 is known as the most beautiful subway in Xi'an and the best sightseeing route. The TJSG-15 undertaken by CCCC Second Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. includes the elevated section of Guangtaimen Station-Taohuatan Station-Chanba Center Station and Taohuatan Elevated Station. The main bridge of Chanhe Bridge is a prestressed concrete V-shaped braced continuous rigid frame bridge, which is the key project of Line No.3.

地址:西安市科技六路33号 邮编:(710065) 电话:+86-029-89560113 电子邮箱:zjegj@shbcccc.com
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