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发布时间:2018-11-08 来源:

  Beijing-UrumchiExpressway is the longest expressway across the desert in the world, whichshortens the distance between Beijing and Xinjiang by more than 1300km. CCCCSecond Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. takes large section EPC to build subgrade,bridge and culvert and pavement engineering of Inner Mongolia Linbai Sectionfor 72km, Inner Mongolia Hanji for 70km of Beijing-Urumchi Expressway, takingthe lead in completing the construction task in the whole line, keeping its leadingposition of comprehensive evaluation.

地址:西安市科技六路33号 邮编:(710065) 电话:+86-029-89560113 电子邮箱:zjegj@shbcccc.com
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