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发布时间:2018-11-09 来源:

  The Harbin-Dalian Passenger Railway is the first high-speed railway built in the cold region in the world with a design speed of 350km per hour. CCCC Second Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. is responsible for 47.806km of civil engineering, the ballastless track slab prefabrication and laying of and 113.817km of double-track ballastless track slab, prefabricating and erecting 900 tons of box girder 1150 holes, and prefabricating and laying 46269 pieces of ballastless track slab. Harbin-Dalian Railway won locomotive trophy cup.

地址:西安市科技六路33号 邮编:(710065) 电话:+86-029-89560113 电子邮箱:zjegj@shbcccc.com
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