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发布时间:2018-11-09 来源:

  Guizhou Guiyang-Weng'an Expressway is 71.016km long, with the total investment amount of 9.488 billion yuan; it is built by using BOT + EPC + subsidies during construction period, with 2.5 years of construction period; it is opened to traffic in December 2015, with 30 years of operation period. CCCC Second Highway Engineering Co., Ltd. gives fully play to integrated advantage of investment, construction, design and construction, and Guizhou-Weng'an mode has become "PPP sample" model for the State Development and Reform Commission, State Administration and Administration Commission, Ministry of Finance and the industry experts.

地址:西安市科技六路33号 邮编:(710065) 电话:+86-029-89560113 电子邮箱:zjegj@shbcccc.com
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